Let’s dance!
5 minutes
For you
Ah, those holidays! A well-earned rest, walks and bike rides, moments to share and shrieks of laughter, and then, the icing on the cake, the campsite evening entertainment! But, if you want to be the star of the dance floor this summer, it’s time to brush off your classics before you leave home.
Summer’s nearly here, with all its summer hits!
Admit it, every summer’s the same, you just can’t wait to move your body to the latest summer hit. Go on, don’t be shy, we all know, and we’re all the same!
One year, you’re Brazilian through and through, the next you’re 100% Latino and if the music and moves come from Korea you’ll be K-Popping with the best of them!
Everywhere, as soon as you hear THE song of the summer, your hips seem to move by themselves as your hands begin to clap.
It’s irresistible. It’s on the radio when you’re in the car, your friends are singing it and the kids never seem to stop, not to mention the discos and night clubs. The hit of the moment is everywhere you turn, and you just love it. Which couldn’t be better because, once they’ve completed their tour of the planet, the summer hits are ready to add their magic to your campsite evenings!
So, ready… it’s time to get to it! You only have a few weeks left to revise the lyrics and choreography!

You dancin’?
The problem is that you don’t know how to dance. The good news is that, with those summer hits, you really don’t need to be able to dance. Honest! Just let the rhythm take control! The steps couldn’t be easier, after all they’re designed be copied by everyone: children and adults, from the party animal to the painfully shy.
The movements are simple, it only takes a few seconds to learn the footwork and swing your hips just so. Remember the languorous Lambada of the 1980s, the Soca Dance of the 1990s and the more recent Macarena, Aserejé or the Un, Dos, Tres, Maria by the gorgeous Ricky Martin.
A little step forward, a little step backwards: no need to know how to dance to get out on the floor! Which explains these songs’ phenomenal success and why they never fail to get the whole campsite up and dancing as soon as the sun goes down!
Need a little help?

You can never remember the choreography, however simple it might be? You’ve always dreamed of dancing that all-time classic, the Madison - you know, that fun dance that has everyone moving to a country rhythm - but you always get everything mixed up?
No problem! The Yelloh! Village organisers are here to help.
For the party evenings, the ambiance is convivial, the look casual and everyone’s here to have fun. So you can come and practice without worrying what anyone’s going to say. And then, of course... each evening there will be those unmissable campsite dances around Yellito the mascot. All the organisers are there to lead you through the Yelloh! dances with their inimitable good humour! Dying to join in? Go on then! What are you waiting for? A really, really, really fun evening awaits you!