Saint-Tropez Bravade

Join the enthusiastic locals and visitors during the Saint-Tropez Bravade on 16, 17 and 18 May. Celebrating the courage of the soldiers and sailors of times past, it leaves no-one indifferent.

Come and experience the Saint-Tropez Bravade first-hand and share an unforgettable moment with the family! Every year, on 16, 17 and 18 May, the people of Saint-Tropez gather to honour the soldiers and sailors of the past who had fought so bravely to protect their homeland. This traditional festival, held on the town's saint's day, is a moment of both pageant and reverence where the local people don the uniforms of soldiers from earlier times, a page of history brought to life. Each year, a council also meets to elect the new Captain of the Town who then becomes the official event organiser.


A breathtaking programme, ceremonies with the Corps de Bravade and their Pike and Standard, a mass with the Musketeers, parades and processions... Plenty of memorable moments!  Come with all the family to share this unique event in celebration of past military glory and bravura, to the beat of the drum and sound of the muskets. Surprises guaranteed!


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campings Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
