Camping Vultures of Rémuzat

The spectacle of these huge birds flying above the cliffs of Drôme is an unforgettable one. It'll certainly form a lasting memory of your camping holidays!

During your stay at the Yelloh! Village in Drôme, don't forget to stop by at Rémuzat! This characteristic little village, nestled within a deep valley, is famous for its colonies of vultures, of which there are more than 300!


For a chance to see them up close, you can go hiking around the village on the paths of the Prealps, and allow them to come closer, or fly above you. It's always really impressive!

Those who are interested will also be able to stop off at the Maison du Vautour (vulture house) in Rémuzat, with an exhibition and other forms of entertainment for finding out all about this fascinating bird.

Your camping holidays in Drôme will be an opportunity to discover some of nature's marvels! 



Place du Champ de Mars
26510 Rémuzat

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campings Drôme
